Cancellation Policy
By booking online, you agree to our terms and conditions. Please take note of the following: Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so at least 48 hours before your appointment time. Failure to do so or missing your appointment will result in a 100% service fee charge. If you reschedule in less than 48 hours, a fee will be charged in addition to the remaining balance. Deposits are non-refundable. Late Policy: If you expect to be late, please contact us. Note that deposits are non-refundable. Clients arriving 10 minutes or later will be charged a $30 late fee in addition to the makeup service balance. Clients arriving more than 10 minutes late may need to reschedule their appointment. Modifying an Appointment: You have the flexibility to modify your appointment date and time up to 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. Additional Guidelines: Clients must arrive with a clean face. No additional guests or children are allowed during the makeup service. Please refrain from using cell phones during the service, as excessive usage may incur a $30 fee.
Contact Details
Located on the 1st floor - Eastside End of the Mal MOXLA, North Montclair Plaza Lane, Montclair, CA, USA